08 August 2007

I'm back baby!

Still traveling in North Africa and the Middle East, but now have consistent access to the internet -- relatively speaking. Time away from the markets is always a good thing. At least, it is for me in the seven years I have been around. As the months went by, I kept abreast of major events and general technical levels. Not much has changed, from a trading standpoint. Others may disagree, but my point is that the old myth about the markets always displaying the same behavior still rings true for me. I, for one, believe Robert D. Edwards. He wrote in 1948 that the stock market "goes right on repeating the same same old movements in much the same routine. The importance of a knowledge of these phenomena to the trader and investor has been in no whit diminished." He wrote in 1951 that, "neither the mechanics nor the 'human element' of the stock market have changed, and there is no reason to think that they will." Bravo, Mr. Edwards. Bravo. Of course, he is speaking of technical analysis, but the same is true for business cycles. I am looking forward to getting back into the markets and to sharing ideas with you all.

Now that I will be posting again, I must start off by saying I was a bit concerned about another blogger with the same name -- The Lonely Trader. While his blog was registered well after my website of the same name (www.lonelytrader.com), I have no reason to believe he knew about me beforehand. So, unless he has a problem with it (in which case he first has some questions to answer) I'm going to continue posting under "The Lonely Trader" to keep it consistent with my website.

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